Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Sirah Nabawiyah

Privileges History of the Prophet

dakwatuna.com - In the life history of Prophet Muhammad, there are several features, the study will be a wealth of spiritual, and historical thinking. The specialty that requires the clergy, preachers and people who fight for the betterment of society for a lot of studying, and study it because they will be able to convey the teachings of religion by using a method capable of showing things that should hold on by the public, especially in uncertain situations. With propaganda methods learned and the results of the study, the preachers would be able to open the hearts of the public, so that his appeal will be successful.

Features it prominently in the biography of the Prophet Muhammad can be summed up in five elements, as follows:


Prophet Muhammad's life history most correct compared to the life history of other prophets and the biographies of community leaders there. Messenger history reaches us through the most reliable and scientific certainty, so that the facts and events-events can not be doubted. With a delivery method that is easy to find things that are exaggerated by the hands of ignorant regarding the din of the Prophet, whether in the form of extraordinary events and facts.

Truth is no doubt in the history of Muhammad's life is not found in the history of previous Prophets life. As the life history of Prophet Moses. who comes to us today, for example, already seasoned and already patched embroidery by the Jews. While the existing law, no longer can be a reference to see how the history of the real life of the Prophet Moses. Many Western critics who doubted the truth of some of the contents of the Torah, while other critics who actually ensure some of the contents of this book is not written at the time of Prophet Moses and not also on the not so distant future. Instead, according to critics, many of which are written in that time was far from it and the writing is not exactly known. It is reasonable doubt about the truth of our life history of Prophet Moses, written in the Torah. Therefore none of Moses' life history that can be justified by the Muslims except as told by the Qur'an and authentic hadiths. As for the life history of Prophet Isa As. same. Gospels which received official recognition Seventh specified or arranged hundreds of years after Jesus died. The Gospels are adaptations of the hundreds of gospels that existed at that time and even without being limited penyadurannya scientific guidelines. In addition, the naming of the Gospels according to the author's name is also not based on conclusive scientific method, not reported through the pathway (sanad) consecutive straight up to The author, so that Western critics who dispute about the actual name of the gospel writers and in an age where they live.

If such doubts about the truth of the history of the Apostles carrier religions scattered throughout nature, the history of the founders of religions and philosophies that hundreds of millions of adherents even more doubt. Gautama Buddha and Kungfutse Granted, their life history is narrated by his followers are not dug from sources that are scientifically reliable. Their history is merely the result of formulation of the pastors about their own lives, which is projected into the history of the founder of the streams. Each generation of his successors also add to the tales into the history in question, even if it does not make sense and are not free from the blind fanaticism. After looking like the above, then I saw the life history of Prophet Muhammad SAW is the most reliable historical truth.


Phases of the life history of Prophet Muhammad clearly the existence, ie since the marriage of his father (Abdullah) and his mother (Aminah) until his death. We all know his birth, childhood and adolescence. we know the work he did in the days before the Prophet, his trips outside the city of Mecca to be a prophet. Clearer and more detailed is the history after being appointed as an Apostle, so that it can be seen year after year chronology. Is reasonable if Western critics say: "Muhammad was the only apostle who was born in the history of life is clear."

We find no history of previous messengers of the same or nearly as obvious as the history of the Prophet Muhammad. Biography of Moses and Jesus, for example, little is known.


History of the Prophet Muhammad is the history of painting an ordinary man who gets the privilege of the apostolate, so it is not out of humanity is not peppered with tales nor be given the attributes of divinity at all. When compared with the history of Prophet Isa As. drawn up by people with a history of AD or Buddhist, etc., then the apparent difference. What is narrated about them is very great influence on the attitudes or behavior of individual and social his followers. Giving those attributes to the Prophet Jesus and Buddha were to make these two characters may not be used as role models by other human beings, both in personal life and in social life. Prophet Muhammad is the opposite, because it can be given the attributes of divinity, he made an example of by anyone. This is expressed by the verse:

لقد كان لكم في رسول الله أسوة حسنة لمن كان يرجو الله واليوم الآخر وذكر الله كثيرا

"Verily the Prophet himself no good role models for people who expect Allah and the Last Day and a lot of dhikr." (Surat al-Ahzab: 21)


Messenger history covering all aspects of humanity. During its history has not become the Apostle, is the history of a young man who is straight. History of an Apostle of God took to the streets with an acceptable method and pour all abilities available to him in order to convey the message. History tells the life of the Prophet himself as head of state who managed to put just as precise and as good-good-state system, watching him with a swift, sincere and honest. History of the Prophet describes him as a husband and a father who is loving, friendly and clever distinguish where the rights and obligations of each family member, as an educator and coach that led his friends with an enviable education as a way to instill enthusiasm in their souls, to follow his example, both in terms of both small and large in the matter. History also tells of the Prophet Muhammad himself as a true apostle, implementing imperatives in the form of duty and friendship tertibnya grammar, so friends are very fond of her as loving yourself, even more care than family and relatives of the family. Life history of Prophet Muhammad also told him as an expert in the mighty war, as a superior commander, as a successful politician, as a neighbor who trusted and someone who always keep their promises.

In short, the history of the Prophet Muhammad is truly a history that includes all the terms contained in the humane society. This is what makes it a good role model for every preacher, commander, father, husband, educator, politician, statesman and so on.

Completeness of similar or nearly similar to the completeness of the history of the Prophet Muhammad had never encountered in previous biographies of the Apostles. As the prophet Moses. for example, only a leader who succeeded in liberating his people and slavery, then managed to put the rules and principles of society are useful. But its history is not something that makes him worthy precedent by soldiers, by educators, politicians, heads of state, by the father or by their husbands. History of Prophet Jesus simply describes him as an ascetic preacher (not concerned with the world). He had no property, houses and other property. History of Jesus as understood by Christians did not portray him as a warlord or as head of state, nor is it portrayed him as a father, a husband, or a brave man. This incompleteness is also found in the history of Buddhist life, Kungfutse, Aristotle, Plato, and other historic people. They are not a paragon. If any, only in certain aspects only. The only people who deserve a historic precedent in all facets of life is Muhammad.


History of the Prophet Muhammad which was itself evidence a complete treatise of truth and apostolic. His history is the history of a perfect man) who carry his message gradually. Not using the miracles or things that are extraordinary, but precisely the way and streets. In carrying out his message he was often harassed or harmed, and the propaganda he obtained a loyal following and if you can not dodge and wars, so he was at war. He is wise and sympathetic. Until his death he had been preaching meratai Arabian subcontinent, not by using the means of power, but the use ihsan. Anyone who really understand indigenous beliefs Arabs at that time, knowing very well how hard the challenges they provide, understand correct the imbalance of power of the Prophet than the opposing force, knowing the short time spent in his apostolic task, they can sure be His apostolic truth. Allah Most High. provide determination, mental strength, breadth of influence and victory to Muhammad not just because he's really a true prophet. There's no way God would give such qualities, if he was a lie. History of life the Prophet really makes us confident of the truth of his treatise. We believe in it just because it fits with the mind, not because of miracles. Arabs in the righteousness of faith is not first treatise based on the miracle that came out. Not a miracle of the Prophet is the cause berimannya infidels who was gnarly. For a material miracle would only be of value to those who witnessed it, while the faith of those who did not witness such as we are now solely based on the recognition and a reasonable justification for the accuracy of his treatise. The Qur'an is a miracle that would tempt akli every person who understands and berkeinsyafan to believe in Muhammad's treatise.

Inevitably this also distinguishes the history of the Prophet Muhammad with the previous Prophets. Prophet disbelief previous race saw him only because of fabulosity brought, not because of considerations of common sense and understanding of the principles of his teachings. As the Prophet Isa. is an example in this regard. Allah relates in the Qur'an, the weapon that God gave to him to convince the Jews is a miracle. Which can cure diseases and striped mute, can revive the dead, can lower the abundant food directly from the sky.

What we said earlier was justified by the existing gospels, miracles materiallah berimannya the only reason a group of people to the Prophet Isa. What's the difference between the Gospel and the Koran information about the causes of the tribe of Prophet Isa berimannya. If the Qur'an states the cause of truth is referred to the apostolate of Jesus, the Gospels are now declared as keluarbiasaannya, he even considered also as God or Son of God. After the death of the Prophet Isa, AD religion spread by things that are extraordinary. Christian religion is really based on miracles. According to descriptions that can be read in the Gospels that exist now.

When compared with the history of the Prophet Muhammad, then the true real difference, if people believe in Jesus as a miracle, the people have faith because the Prophet Muhammad's teachings can be accepted by common sense. The existence of other miracles of Prophet Muhammad are evidence greatness, to break the reasons people are more stubborn dissenter. People who studied the Qur'an will find, the methods used to convince every reader is akli method and the real facts about the greatness of God's creation. Understanding kemukminan Prophet Muhammad and the truth will be a proof of Muhammad's apostleship.

God's Word

وقالوا لولا أنزل عليه ءايات من ربه قل إنما الآيات عند الله وإنما أنا نذير مبين

أولم يكفهم أنا أنزلنا عليك الكتاب يتلى عليهم إن في ذلك لرحمة وذكرى لقوم يؤمنون

"And they say: why not revealed to him the miracles and God? Say, the real miracle is the power of God and I'm just a plain warner. Do they not feel enough, we have sent down the book that was read to them. Verily in it there is mercy and a warning for those who believe. "(Surat al-Ankabut: 50-51)

When the Quraysh insisted that the Prophet Muhammad to show miracles, then God told him to answer as in the following paragraph

وقالوا لن نؤمن لك حتى تفجر لنا من الأرض ينبوعا

أو تكون لك جنة من نخيل وعنب فتفجر الأنهار خلالها تفجيرا

أو تسقط السماء كما زعمت علينا كسفا أو تأتي بالله والملائكة قبيلا

أو يكون لك بيت من زخرف أو ترقى في السماء ولن نؤمن لرقيك حتى تنزل علينا كتابا نقرؤه قل سبحان ربي هل كنت إلا بشرا رسولا

"And they say: we will not believe you, so you send out to our eyes water and earth. Or thou have a garden of palm and grapes and in the cracks there is a river flowing. Or you abort the sky in pieces as you say. Or you are confronted with God And the Angel told us. Or thou have a house and gold and you go up into the sky. And we will not believe it before you go down kenaikanmu carry our books that can be read. Saying, Glory to God my Lord, I am the man who is sent. "(Surat al-Isra ': 90-93)

Thus he explained the Quran states that Muhammad is a human who is sent is not based on things that are extraordinary or miraculous, but directed to the consideration of reason and conscience.

فمن يرد الله أن يهديه يشرح صدره للإسلام ومن يرد أن يضله يجعل صدره ضيقا حرجا كأنما يصعد في السماء كذلك يجعل الله الرجس على الذين لا يؤمنون

"Anybody that God really wants to believe, it will dilapangkan chest to accept Islam." (Surat al-An `am: 125)

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